Getting Started with Fawi Native APIs

Before start using Fawi Native APIs you must fill two simple requirements:

Add Fawi Script

First import the script file: "", example:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

The Fawi script must be excluded from the service worker otherwise it will not work.

Activate Permissions

If you pretend to use native APIs you need to confirm that the application Settings Permisions, in the Fawi Office, have the necessary native permissions activated and then the App published, otherwise the APIs can't use the native resources.

For example: the "Torch" application needs the Camera Permission activated (image 1) and published (image 2) to use the user camera native device resource.

Every time that you change the App settings permissions you must publish it, so you can see the changes applied in the store and the users devices.

Building App?

If you're building an app in the next platforms and you want to use Fawi Native APIs you can follow this steps:

Vanilla JS




Flutter Web